walk from the house - Castle Dounie Walk

Ardnoe House

Walk from the house

Beautiful walks, starting directly from Ardnoe House:  (1) "Castle Dounie Walk"

Many people prefer to leave their car at home, once they arrive on holiday. Two exceptionally scenic walks, starting from the property itself allow you to do just that.

The "Castle Dounie Walk" (6km) takes 2 – 3 hours for the circular route, allowing time for a picnic, maybe up to 4 hours with younger children.

Map acknowledgement: www.walkhighlands.co.uk


Starting from the end of our garden, walk down the steps and path to the shore below

  After a short walk west along the beach, and once beyond the final bungalow, a marker post indicates where the path leaves the shore and climbs up into the trees. (This view taken at high tide). Further along the path begins to climb steeply, and there are impressive views looking back over Loch Crinan and Crinan Harbour Island.

views looking back to the east and north east from the early part of the walk

Looking north-east to Duntrune castle, and further east our house is just visible on top of the near side of the further hill overlooking Loch Crinan

There are a number of well positioned benches and picnic tables along the route.

Follow the well signposted route and you will reach the summit and viewpoint. The hill is crowned with the remains of 'Castle Dounie', an iron-age dun or hill-fort of which a few courses of stonework survive. 

Although it requires some imagination to picture it in its entirety – there are clear sections of outer wall remaining complete with some small chambers on the east side. It is easy to appreciate the significance of the position as a look-out in ancient times. Ships could have been spotted many miles away, allowing enough time for evasive action.

 The summit is steep on most sides, allowing for impressive views up and down the coast, as well as across the Sound of Jura to the islands of Jura Scarba and the Gulf of Corryvreckan. In the further distance is Mull and on a clear day Ben Cruachan on the mainland, the highest mountain in Argyll is visible.

A view from the summit

Further view at the summit under conditions of temperature inversion

Following the circular route, clockwise, from the western part of the circular route, there are terrific views west and north west, to the islands.

If you continue following the circuit, and then join the path you walked up from the harbour, you will return to the shore line at Crinan Harbour.        


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